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Joao P. A. Dantas

Research Engineer, Brazilian Air Force

CV | LinkedIn | Publications


I am a Research Engineer within the Decision Support Systems Subdivision at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv), a distinguished research organization of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). My research is primarily focused on defense applications, with an emphasis on developing decision support systems to facilitate the missions of the FAB. My long-term goal is to contribute to the development of cutting-edge national technologies that hold high added value, ensuring technological sovereignty and fostering the growth of the Brazilian defense ecosystem. My contributions have been deployed in multiple defense applications, including air combat simulation, missile modeling, and the integration of autonomous agents in operational scenarios.

I obtained my B.Sc. degree in Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineering from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) in Brazil, in 2015. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to participate in a year-long exchange program at Stony Brook University in the United States. Subsequently, I received my M.Sc. degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from ITA in 2019. I recently had the privilege of serving as a visiting graduate student at the AirLab, which is part of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, from 2021 to 2022. Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. degree in the same program at ITA. My research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, and Simulation.



SoRTS: Learned Tree Search for Long Horizon Social Robot Navigation
Ingrid Navarro, Jay Patrikar, Joao P. A. Dantas, Rohan Baijal, Ian Higgins, Sebastian Scherer, Jean Oh
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
[Link] [PDF] [Video] [Code]

Machine Learning to Improve Situational Awareness in Beyond Visual Range Air Combat
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Diego Geraldo, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
IEEE Latin America Transactions, 2022
[Link] [PDF] [Video] [Code]

Formation control method based on artificial potential fields for aircraft flight simulation
Andre N. Costa, Felipe L. L. Medeiros, Joao P. A. Dantas, Diego Geraldo, Nei Y. Soma
[Link] [PDF]

Peer-reviewed Conferences

Manobra Winding: Defesa Contra Mísseis Passivos e Semiativos Superfície-Ar
Mario Viscardi, João P. A. Dantas, Diego Geraldo, Angelo Passaro
Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais em Aéreas de Defesa (SIGE), 2024
[PDF] [Video]

Aprendizado de Máquina para a Otimização da Obtenção de Resultados em Simulações de Defesa Aeroespacial
Lucas Silva Lima, Rafael Hoffmann Giannico, Denys Derlian Carvalho Brito, Antonio Gustavo Silveira Dantas, Joao P. A. Dantas
Congresso Acadêmico sobre Defesa Nacional (CADN), 2024

Loyal Wingman Assessment: Social Navigation for Human-Autonomous Collaboration in Simulated Air Combat
Joao P. A. Dantas, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2024

AsaPy: A Python Library for Aerospace Simulation Analysis
Joao P. A. Dantas, Samara R. Silva, Vitor C. F. Gomes, Andre N. Costa, Adrisson R. Samersla, Diego Geraldo, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2024

Ambiente de Simulação Aeroespacial: Capacidades e Potenciais Benefícios para a Indústria de Defesa Brasileira
Gabriel Henrique Gobi, Pedro Lustosa Rege Botelho, Thiago Lobo Ferreira, Thiago Lopes de Araujo, João Paulo de Andrade Dantas
Congresso Acadêmico sobre Defesa Nacional (CADN), 2023

Real-Time Surface-to-Air Missile Engagement Zone Prediction Using Simulation and Machine Learning
Joao P. A. Dantas, Diego Geraldo, Felipe L. L. Medeiros, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), 2023
[PDF] [Presentation] [Code]

ASA-SimaaS: Advancing Digital Transformation through Simulation Services in the Brazilian Air Force
Joao P. A. Dantas, Diego Geraldo, Andre N. Costa, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais em Aéreas de Defesa (SIGE), 2023
[PDF] [Presentation] [Video]

Autonomous Agent for Beyond Visual Range Air Combat: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Joao P. A. Dantas, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2023
[PDF] [Presentation] [Poster]

ASA: A Simulation Environment for Evaluating Military Operational Scenarios
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Vitor C. F. Gomes, Andre R. Kuroswiski, Felipe L. L. Medeiros, Diego Geraldo
World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE), 2022
[PDF] [Presentation] [Video I] [Video II]

Supervised Machine Learning for Effective Missile Launch Based on Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Simulations
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Felipe L. L. Medeiros, Diego Geraldo, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2022
[Link] [PDF] [Presentation] [Code]

Weapon Engagement Zone Maximum Launch Range Estimation Using a Deep Neural Network
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Diego Geraldo, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2021
[Link] [PDF] [Presentation] [Video] [Code]

Engagement Decision Support for Beyond Visual Range Air Combat
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Diego Geraldo, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2021
[Link] [PDF] [Presentation] [Video] [Code]

Enhanced Self-Organizing Map Solution for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Joao P. A. Dantas, Andre N. Costa, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo, Takashi Yoneyama
National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ENIAC), 2021
[Link] [PDF] [Presentation] [Code]

Análise Exploratória de Dados de Acidentes Aeronáuticos no Brasil
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Jelton Alexandre da Cunha, Jamesson Lira Silva, Alessandro Oliveira Arantes, Vitor Conrado Faria Gomes
Simpósio de Segurança de Voo (SSV), 2018
[Link] [PDF]


TartanAviation: Image, Speech, and Trajectory Datasets for Terminal Airspace Operations
Jay Patrikar, Joao Dantas, Brady Moon, Milad Hamidi, Sourish Ghosh, Nikhil Keetha, Ian Higgins, Atharva Chandak, Takashi Yoneyama, Sebastian Scherer
[PDF] [Code]

Analysis of Sequential Parameter Optimization for Computer Simulation Optimization
Andre N. Costa, Joao Dantas


Modelo de simulação aplicado às missões de transporte na região amazônica
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Caio Augusto de Melo Silvestre
Spectrum: Aplicações Operacionais em Áreas de Defesa, 2020
[Link] [PDF]

Teoria dos jogos aplicada ao combate BVR
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas
Spectrum: Aplicações Operacionais em Áreas de Defesa, 2017


Challenges in Close-Proximity Safe and Seamless Operation of Manned and Unmanned Aircraft in Shared Airspace
Jay Patrikar, Joao P. A. Dantas, Sourish Ghosh, Parv Kapoor, Ian Higgins, Jasmine J. Aloor, Ingrid Navarro, Jimin Sun, Ben Stoler, Milad Hamidi, Rohan Baijal, Brady Moon, Jean Oh, Sebastian Scherer
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
[Link] [PDF] [Presentation] [Video]

Master's Thesis

Apoio à decisão para o combate aéreo além do alcance visual: uma abordagem por redes neurais artificiais
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Takashi Yoneyama
Master's Thesis, Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Electronic and Computer Engineering Division, 2018

Undergraduate Research

Hexacóptero para monitoramento de construção civil: montagem, testes e operação
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Davi Antonio dos Santos
Senior Thesis, Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineering Division, 2015

Aquisição automática de dados em ensaios de materiais de barreira térmica realizados em túnel de plasma supersônico
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Gilberto Petraconi Filho
XIX Encontro de Iniciação Científica e Pós-Graduação do ITA (ENCITA), 2013
[PDF] [Presentation]

Estudo de uma descarga de catodo termiônico em baixa pressão
João Paulo de Andrade Dantas, Gilberto Petraconi Filho
XVIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e Pós-Graduação do ITA (ENCITA), 2012
[PDF] [Presentation]


Aug 2021 - Present

Ph.D., Electronic and Computer Engineering

Aeronautics Institute of Technology

São José dos Campos, Brazil
GPA: 9.5/10.0
Research Advisors: Prof. Takashi Yoneyama and Prof. Marcos R. O. A. Maximo

Nov 2022 - Jan 2023

Ph.D. Exchange Program, Robotics

Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute

Pittsburgh, PA
Research Advisor: Prof. Sebastian Scherer

Aug 2016 - Jan 2019

M.Sc., Electronic and Computer Engineering

Aeronautics Institute of Technology

São José dos Campos, Brazil
GPA: 8.5/10.0
Research Advisor: Prof. Takashi Yoneyama
Thesis Committee: Roberto K. H. Galvao, Takashi Yoneyama, Henrique C. Marques, Helcio V. Junior

Jul 2014 - Jul 2015

Undergraduate Exchange Program, Mechanical Engineering

Stony Brook University, College of Engineering

Stony Brook, NY
GPA: 3.93/4.00
One-year study program. Full scholarship by Brazil's Ministry of Education
Research Advisor: Prof. Carlos Colosqui

Jan 2011 - Dec 2015

B.Sc., Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautics Institute of Technology

São José dos Campos, Brazil
GPA: 8.7/10.0
Senior Thesis: Hexacopter for civil construction monitoring: assembly, testing and operation
Research Advisor: Prof. Davi Antonio dos Santos

Awards and Honors

2024: Received a software registration certificate from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) for the ASA - Ambiente de Simulação Aeroespacial.
2024: Selected as an MLCommons ML and Systems Rising Star.
2024: Selected as one of the eight researchers by the CISB - Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Centre in the Call of Innovation Projects CISB 13/2024 for a travel award (€3150) to participate as part of a delegation of AI researchers, focusing on connecting, structuring, and developing projects between Brazil and Sweden.
2024: Travel award ($1,000) to participate at the 2024 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation.
2023: Selected as one of the seven researchers by the CISB - Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Centre in the Call of Innovation Projects CISB 10/2022 for a travel award (€3200) to participate as part of a delegation of AI researchers, focusing on connecting, structuring, and developing projects between Brazil and Sweden.
2023: 3rd place in the Data Science Challenge 2023.
2023: Best PhD Colloquium Award at the 2023 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation.
2023: Travel award ($1,000) to participate at the 2023 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation in Orlando, FL
2023: Travel award ($2,500) to participate at the Brazil at Silicon Valley 2023 in Santa Clara, CA
2022: Fundacão Estudar Merit Scholarship for outstanding trajectory and academic potential (30 recipients out of 33,876 applicants).
2021: 3rd place in the 5th Brazilian Competition on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD-BR).
2021: Military Bronze Medal received from the Brazilian Air Force.
2019: 6th place out of 39 competitors in the 3rd Brazilian Competition on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD-BR).
2019: Ambassador Award of Excellence, International Youth Math Challenge.
2019: 4th place in the Data Science Challenge at Engineering Education for the Future (EEF).
2016: Selected by Instituto Four to participate in the Prolider Program (29 recipients out of 2,013 applicants).
2015: Honorable Mention in the Department of Humanities, Aeronautics Institute of Technology.
2014-2015: Full scholarship from Brazil's Ministry of Education for a one-year study program at Stony Brook University, College of Engineering (~$75,000).
2014: Military Merit Award from the Brazilian Air Force (25% best military behavior grades among the Officer Candidates).
2011-2013: Fellowship of Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program for 24 months, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
2011: 1st place overall out of 120 Officer Candidates, Brazilian Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (CPORAER-SJ).
2010: Approved in the Aeronautics Institute of Technology entrance exam, 120 recipients out of 7627 applicants.
2009: Academic Merit Award from the Brazilian Air Force (25% best military grades among the Cadets).
2007: Bronze Medal, 10th Brazilian Olympiad of Astronomy and Astronautics (OBA) (187,726 competitors).
2006: Honorable Mention in the XIV Ceara Science and Biology Olympiad, a competition managed by the Federal University of Ceara, Brazil.
2006: Gold Medal in the Internal Science Olympiads in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Farias Brito High School, Brazil.
2004-2006: Full scholarship for three years at Farias Brito High School, Brazil (~$30,000).
2003: Honor to Merit for 2nd place three times and 5th place one time in the Internal Mathematics Olympiad, Christus Middle School.
2003: 2nd place in the 3rd Christus Exhibition of Science and Technology (EXCETEC) in the area "Exact, Social and Commercial Sciences" with the project "Educational Exodus Study", Christus Middle School, Brazil.

Work Experience

Jan 2013 - Present, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

Brazilian Air Force

Captain Officer, Researcher Engineer, Institute for Advanced Studies

• Working on multiple defense applications using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science to develop decision support systems to improve the Air Force's decision-making process.

Feb 2017 - Jul 2021, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

COC Educational System

Scientific Olympiads Coordinator and Mathematics Teacher

• Responsible for the preparatory class for Scientific Olympiads, having obtained 158 medals and honorable mentions in 46 national and international competitions.

Oct 2016 - Dez 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Emerge Brasil

Co-Founder and Head of Communications

• Initiative that was born to foster and strengthen market-oriented technological innovation in Brazil, mapping more than 300 technologies, with 60 technologies already working in partnership with the Brazilian Industry.


Apr 2020 - Jul 2021, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition


• Working to enables motivated students and supportive mentors to inspire youths for astronomy and astrophysics and to encourage them to participate in the competition.

Jul 2019 - Jul 2021, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

International Youth Math Challenge


• Working to inform schools and encourage students and youths to participate in the competition.

Jun 2012 - May 2013, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

Alpha Lumen Institute

Mathematics Teacher

• Teacher of mathematics in the preparatory class for the Aeronautics Institute of Technology entrance exam.


Office P-30, Decision Support Systems Subdivision
Institute for Advanced Studies
The Brazilian Department of Science and Aerospace Technology
Trevo Coronel Aviador José Alberto Albano do Amarante 01
Putim, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil 12228-001